
A MONTHLY MEMBERSHIP into Inner Union, Embodied Love & Sacred Feminine Power

the membership

A Monthly Membership to guide you into Inner Union, Embodied Love
 & Sacred Feminine Power


For the woman who craves deep intimacy—both with herself and the world around her.

BELOVED is an unfolding journey—a path of devotion through the sacred gates of your own heart and womb. This is for the woman who longs for more than surface-level connection. She seeks to dive deep, to touch the divine, to be rooted in her feminine power while expanding into love in all its forms. Whether she is calling in her Beloved, deepening her current relationship, or reconnecting with the Beloved within, BELOVED is a space to explore the depths of her being each month.
As you walk this path, you will awaken to your heart’s immense capacity for love and joy. You will shed the stories of scarcity and separation and rise into the fullness of your being. This is not just a journey of self-love, but of Divine Union—a path where love is not something to chase but a frequency you embody. Month by month, you will be held in sacred space as you deepen into the mysteries of your womb, the wisdom of your heart, and the cycles of your soul.

This monthly membership guides you through the sacred rhythms of your soul, aligning with the cycles of nature and the inner cycles of womanhood. Each month, you will move deeper into your feminine power, calling forth the lover, the priestess, and the oracle within. This is a space for the woman who is ready to step into her full expression, heal her womb and heart, and feel truly seen and loved.

The Journey of Devotion:
An Invitation to Deep Love

Your journey through BELOVED is divided into four devotional trimesters, each mirroring the sacred rhythm of the seasons. These trimesters honour the natural cycles of birth, growth, death, and rebirth, allowing you to align with the divine feminine and masculine within.

the seasons of womanhood

A Sacred Path of Transformation

The Descent (Autumn)

The Liminal (Winter)

The Emergence (Spring)

The Embodiment (Summer)


the descent

In the first trimester, we enter the season of The Descent. Like Autumn, this is a time of shedding and releasing, where you will turn inward and surrender to the sacred feminine's call. You will explore your shadows, clearing ancestral patterns and relational wounds that have been held in the womb and heart. Through practices of womb alchemy, ancestral healing, and deep surrender, you will learn to let go of what no longer serves you..

As you align with the energy of autumn, you will offer your fears, heartbreak, and unmet desires to the fire of transformation. This phase is an invitation to cultivate sacred rest, to listen deeply to your body, and to honour the divine whispers guiding your path. The Descent is where you will excavate the wisdom hidden beneath layers of pain, preparing the ground for deep healing and rebirth.

Embrace the sacred Unveiling


Link to a portfolio gallery or blogpost. A wonderful serenity has taken possession of my entire soul, like these sweet mornings of spring which I enjoy with my whole heart. I am alone, and feel the charm of existence in this spot, which was created for the bliss of souls like mine.


Link to a portfolio gallery or blogpost. A wonderful serenity has taken possession of my entire soul, like these sweet mornings of spring which I enjoy with my whole heart. I am alone, and feel the charm of existence in this spot, which was created for the bliss of souls like mine.

Transform in sacred Stillness


the liminal

The Liminal trimester is a time of stillness and transformation. In this winter phase, you will enter the space between death and rebirth, where the sacred feminine and masculine energies begin to rebalance. This is the phase of emotional alchemy, where you learn to hold the tension between opposites and trust in the unfolding of your divine path.

Through the elemental gateways of the womb—Fire, Water, Earth, and Air—you will transmute emotional and energetic blocks. You will cultivate devotion to both your feminine essence and your sacred masculine, learning to anchor your inner King to hold the wild, radiant energy of the feminine. This is where the Oracle within you awakens, as you deepen into listening to your body’s wisdom and the divine guidance moving through you.

Bloom into your Divinity


the emergence

The Emergence brings the energy of spring—blossoming, expanding into love, and reclaiming joy. This is where you begin to feel the beauty of sacred union, both within yourself and in your relationships. You will embody your divine feminine essence, radiating the love and sensuality that has been cultivated in the depths of your soul.

Through sacred feminine embodiment practices, you will reclaim your sensuality and pleasure as sacred acts of devotion. As the earth blooms, so too will you, planting seeds of love, joy, and abundance for the life you are ready to create. Walking the path of the Magdalene, you will embody divine love and compassion, allowing it to guide your relationships and daily life.



the embodiment

In the Embodiment, we enter the season of summer—where everything you have learned becomes anchored and embodied. This is the phase where you root your transformations into the cells of your being, fully embodying your feminine power and divine union. The cosmic womb and the earth womb become one within you, and you move through the world as a beacon of embodied love.

Through rituals of embodiment, you will ground your journey, staying aligned with your sacred feminine power. Your pleasure will become a portal to the divine, as you harness your sexual energy for healing, love, and creation. As the Priestess within you rises, you will walk the Magdalene path with grace, devotion, and deep love, bringing all that you have embodied into your life and relationships.

"The connection I now experienced within myself through my work with Lara is phenomenal. Intimacy and pleasure have a whole new meaning and now that I've had glimpses of a whole new world I can never go back. I thought I knew myself. however Lara has taken the depths of this to a whole new level. I had a very healthy relationship with myself and sex before. I just didn't know this depth of pleasure, love and truth were available to me in this way. Life is so good!! Thank you, Lara. My Absolute Sex Goddess!" 

"You are truly changing my life one ceremony at a time! Thank you for witnessing me. It feels insanely powerful to move that energy through my body. What an alchemy! What fucking magic!! I am so in awe to my body for leading it and to myself for surrendering. I am speechless. So much energy & so little words. This is surely a first for me. You are a fucking magician. Period!!"

"Lara, that was simply magical. It was so beautiful. I was in floods of tears, joy & rapture. I can't thank you enough. You are a magical mystical soul, really. I am filled with gratitude. Reflecting on how far I have come, thanks to you, in part. Grateful for the connection to my body & soul. I feel in my womb space that I let go of something I was holding onto and it feels light & open somehow. Watch our Sex Goddess programme. I can't wait!"

"Lara's presence is like that psychedelic mushroom honey!! Drippy, mystically luxurious. She is a healer, a shaman, a medicine woman and I just bow to her medicine."

"Thank you Lara. Honestly that word doesn't do it justice." The thanks I have for you holding this space and guiding me the way you do. I know you feel it though because you were right there with me. 🙏🙏 that was an Astronomical shift right there xxxx"

"I don't know what it is about you Lara, but being around you I don't want to wear a bra, I just want to be naked and free."

"You have no idea about this, but you changed my life. Just by spending time with you in your energy made me so much more comfortable in who I am and in my body and being unapologetic in it. It is powerful Thank you for who you are."

“I felt my entire body light on fire. I felt so much passion and excitement. My movements were so sensual and seductive, they were liberated and had a mind of their own— I even got on the ground to do some floorwork which I’ve never even done before, I’ve never been a dancer (except for that one year as a ballerina when I was 6, lol.) I had zero thoughts about what I was doing and was fully in my body. The release was incredible, as I usually only ever live in my head.”

“I realized that this is the woman I’ve been visualizing as my higher self, I’ve never felt more connected to myself. Everything I felt was so natural + effortless. 
This is the very woman I‘ve been on a journey to become... Fearless. Creative. Independent. Passionate. Seductive. Hungry for more. Free. Liberated. Sensual. Adventurous. Grounded. Expressive. Learning to live life fully alive. Such a powerful practice.” 

Monthly Devotional Ceremonies

Each month, we gather for deeply devotional ceremonies, aligning with the cycles of the earth, the moon, and the womb. In these sacred circles, you will be held in sisterhood, witnessed in your transformation, and guided through the sacred practices of embodiment, womb alchemy, and divine love.

Together, we will:
  • Reclaim sensuality and pleasure as sacred pathways to the divine.
  • Walk with God, embodying the Magdalene path of devotion and divine union.
  • Activate the Oracle within your womb, receiving intuitive guidance and wisdom.
  • Awaken the Priestess within, embodying the highest expression of feminine and masculine union.



of Love & Transformation

BELOVED is not just a program; it’s a sacred container where you will be deeply held, seen, and supported as you walk the path of Divine Union, womb alchemy, and embodied love. This is a space where you can soften, melt into the arms of sisterhood, and allow yourself to be guided through the cycles of your soul and the rhythms of your body.
From the moment you join, you are welcomed into a sanctuary that supports your unique journey—whether you’re fresh out of a breakup, transitioning into motherhood, moving toward menopause, or rising into your comeback season. The path of Descent, Liminal, Emergence, and Embodiment speaks to every phase of life, offering the practices, wisdom, and guidance to support you exactly where you are.

in your Journey




Live Sessions with Lara

Twice a month, we gather live to dive deep into the themes of the month. These sessions are spaces of connection, healing, and embodied transformation.

Guest Goddess Sessions

Each month, we invite a guest expert to lead a powerful, live session, offering new perspectives and wisdom that nourish your journey of Divine Union.

Breathwork Journeys

Experience the depth of breathwork as we use this powerful tool to clear, heal, and energize your body and spirit, aligning with the cyclical themes of the month.

Pre-Recorded Practices

Upon joining, you’ll instantly receive over 44 hours of pre-recorded practices. These practices are carefully curated to guide you through each season—whether you are in the Descent, Liminal, Emergence, or Embodiment phase of your life or womb cycle.

Journal Prompts & Reflection

Every month, we provide journal prompts and reflection exercises that deepen your journey, helping you integrate the practices and explore the richness of the themes in your life.

Instant Access to Sacred Content

You will have immediate access to a library of embodiment, sacred sexuality, and Divine Union practices, as well as past Guest Goddess sessions to support your journey wherever you are.

a path

of unwavering support

When you step into BELOVED, you receive far more than just content—you receive the tools, practices, and community to deeply transform your life. Each month, you will be guided through live sessions, pre-recorded practices, and personal reflections that align with the sacred seasons of womanhood.

Whether you are navigating heartbreak, stepping into motherhood, entering menopause, or rediscovering your inner radiance, BELOVED holds a space of unwavering support for every season of your life. With the structure of live calls beginning on 21st December (Winter Solstice), we drop into the liminal space live, setting the tone for the transformative journey ahead. Alongside live sessions, the pre-recorded practices offer you the freedom to move at your own pace, ensuring you feel supported exactly where you are in your cycle of life and love.
Each session, practice, and gathering is an invitation to reclaim your power, root deeper into your feminine wisdom, and rise into the most radiant version of yourself. You are held in love, devotion, and a community of women walking this sacred path alongside you.


The monthly investment for BELOVED is £99, offering you full access to all live and pre-recorded sessions, breathwork journeys, and guest teachings. Alternatively, you can make an annual investment of £1111, which provides a deeper commitment to yourself and offers the ease of a one-time payment.

This investment is a commitment to your growth, your healing, and your transformation—a devotional act of love for the woman you are becoming.
Are you ready to step into this sacred journey of love, union, and feminine embodiment? The path awaits you, beloved.

A Devotional Path

for the Woman Who Seeks Deep Love

BELOVED is for the woman who knows that love is not something to chase, but something to embody. It is for the woman who is ready to heal the wounds that have kept her from fully experiencing love in herself, her relationships, and her connection with the divine. Month by month, you will be held in a space that honours your deepest longings for union, healing, and transformation.

This is your invitation to step into your feminine power, heal your womb and heart, and rise as the embodiment of divine love.
Are you ready to walk this path of love? Welcome to BELOVED.

about LARA


Lara is a womb priestess, here to serve as a permission slip & to push the edges to facilitate embodied expansion for women. 

She uses tantric practices, embodiment work & shamanic womb journeys to provide a full spectrum exploration of every facet of the feminine expression to facilitate liberation anchored in love.

I CREATE SAFE & SACRED SPACE FOR transformation and alchemy for those who desire to step into liberation in love through divine union.
As within, so without."


thank you

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