My mission is to remind you that you are an embodiment of love itself. My passion is to help you fully embody that love and discover what is truly possible for you. Through connecting with your womb, heart, and soul you can create a life that is liberated, radiant, and overflowing with love. I firmly believe that radical self-love is the key to unlocking the gates of liberation and freedom. It means embracing every aspect of your humanness with love and acceptance.

scroll to expLore

This is liberation inLove.

about LARA


It brings us immense joy to have you here! Your journey towards rediscovery & full reclamation of who you are & who you came here to be, starts here my love. 

I am dedicated to helping you embrace your authentic expression and explore the rich tapestry of your human experience, so you can feel empowered and liberated.

My BIG mission is to help you fall back in love with yourself, so you can live a life that is overflowing with love and embrace Your True Self

I deeply believe in the power of womb wisdom, feminine arts, embodiment, and sacred union. My offerings, including year-long memberships, retreats, and personalised coaching, are crafted to help you unlock your potential and live authentically, enlivened & ecstatic, dripping in the sweetness of the nectar of life itself.

as seen on:

rediscover your truth

in love

Each offering that you will find here are all anchored in this essence. What does it mean to be liberated in love? In my heart, I feel it is the capacity to love fully, without a filter, to love others as you love yourself, without condition. In the freedom of radical acceptance of both your divinity & your humanity. As we re-learn how to love without projection or expectation, we are able to love with the fullness of our hearts and totality of our presence. AND in moments of humanness, which are inevitable, we know how to navigate rupture and repair the relationships we cherish.
This is a lifelong journey of exploration & expansion...

I am so happy you are here

"“I feel like I just healed more in the last hour on this call with you than I have in the last 3 years of therapy! Thank you so much!” 



Lara, if you were a cartoon you would have floating love hearts all around you, I’ve never met anyone who embodied such a capacity for love. It’s impressive.” 



“When I started these 1:1 sessions I just didn't know what I wanted anymore was really tired and at the start of my burn out. I always loved dancing and just lost my love for that at that point. Until I started working with Lara I found my true beautiful soul and woman inside of me again I started dancing with her and started to shift immensely. At the start I was a girl and at the and I felt like a woman that found her true self again. I loved every session with Lara she is amazing you just can be who you are with her and all the practice we did and the meditations found me back to myself. I am really thankful for having her there in my life at that moment.”



“People can experience being in the womb again with you, but the healed womb, going back into that amniotic sac where I can be fluid & flow and know that i'm birthing into a place that's like so cosy and warm and exciting and it's like the removal of the distortions. You have this ability of rebirth through your medicine and your heart-womb connection is like this golden liquid light and it's just so incredible and to witness the way that you hold it is inspiring.”



"“I feel like I just healed more in the last hour on this call with you than I have in the last 3 years of therapy! Thank you so much!” 



“I did not know what to fully expect in my womb healing journey as I was not familiar with my own womb, womb teachings and what powers lay there. Lara expertly guided me into places of expansion and exploration that I had not previously known were accessible within me. Through Lara's guidance I was able to access emotional releases that were stored in my womb space, giving me a sense of completion, rest and expansion. Lara has extra sensory gifts that support her to see what you see, feel what you feel and go where you're going so that the mysteries, traumas and depths of the womb space feel safe and accessible. If you are feeling apprehensive to tap into your own, mysterious womanly depths but also know that's exactly where you need to go to alchemize all you're calling into your world..... you need to work with Lara..”



“Lara!! what on earth?! I cannot believe how unbelievably talented you are! that was some next level thing right there that you just did!! in the beginning I was like I have no idea why I'm writing numbers and I just knew whatever it was it was gonna be amazing but I did not expect that it would be that phenomenal!!! that depth of experiential processing there is no way in 1 million years I could've ever done that by myself. it just wouldn't have happened. no matter how much I have processed my emotion and felt into it, journaled there is no way I could've done that without that level of one-on-one facilitation. I can't believe how much of a genius you are, thank you!! I do I just wanna do it again! I wanna do it again.I can't thank you enough. please let me know anything in the world I can do to support other women in having this kind of level of breakthrough transformation and shifting up level and freedom and power!!!”



I feel so tender and so venerable after last night …. So much pain has moved through me …. Incredible amounts …. I am so grateful for your guidance… it was so incredibly powerful traveling and connecting with the blueprint of the pain of the woman I felt the pain of My own Ancestors.. am so honored to have you in my life !!! You are my psychedelic medicine on its own ! Better than that …. Better than sex!! I still feel its very hard to explain who u are & what you even do…. You are the exquisite experience that must be felt … must be experienced! Thank you. You changed my life, really.



“I realized that this is the woman I’ve been visualizing as my higher self, I’ve never felt more connected to myself. Everything I felt was so natural + effortless. This is the very woman I‘ve been on a journey to become... Fearless. Creative. Independent. Passionate. Seductive. Hungry for more. Free. Liberated. Sensual. Adventurous. Grounded. Expressive. Learning to live life fully alive. 



"My healing session with Lara was absolutely amazing and such a surreal experience! I wasn't expecting to work through as many emotions and release as much stagnant energy as I have, but I am so grateful! Lara was so kind, compassionate and loving throughout our session together and I cannot wait to book in with her again. She's got an incredible gift of holding space for others while remaining fully present and that is rare to find. I wish everyone could experience and benefit from a session with Lara,
I know that it would change the world!"



"Lara is the best, I had the opportunity to work with her in a retreat and it was just amazing, It was just so powerful. The things that she did with us were unlike anything i’ve ever experienced. They were calming and soothing, bringing up emotions in a good way, allowing me to get in touch with myself. Her intuition is crazy, so I would be thinking ‘Oh gosh, this is kind of how i’m feeling’ and the next thing you know she would be walking you through it. Her presence is powerful. The flow was amazing, I just cannot say enough good things about her. Post retreat i’ve just felt absolutely amazing, so I cannot recommend her enough.
I just had an absolute pleasure working with her.”



"I got to experience the most incredible evening spent with Lara on a retreat. Through her meditation, Reiki, dance and the most confronting and yet healing exercise of staring a complete stranger in the eyes, I had the deep realisation of a deep block to my own full expression and true happiness. Lara gave me the gift of awareness to a deep point of pain I'd buried and she created a safe and loving space for me to release the overwhelming emotion I have held onto for so long. That led to a beautiful lightness that hasn't gone away. I came away from Lara's ceremony with 3 powerful words set into my heart that I am now dedicated to more closely aligning my life to:- Love, Trust and Openness. I am so grateful for Lara's heart, innate talents and gifts and a beautifully unique experience that I will never forget. I couldn't recommend her enough!" .”



"“So, I just want to say a HU-MUNGOUS thank you to the beautiful Lara who I feel so incredibly grateful and blessed to have found, to have come across and to have discovered. I was fortunate enough to participate in one of her ceremonies. Now, I’ve never done anything like this before, I had absolutely no Idea what to expect, and all i can say is OH MY GOODNESS! It was one of the most powerful two hours of my life. She cleared so many emotional blocks for me. I felt like the biggest weight had been lifted from me and at the same time I felt like I was ready to step into the next level version of me. It was just the most incredible feeling. Aside from being incredible at what she does, she is just the most beautiful person with such an incredible soul. She is so kind and caring and so loving as well. As soon as she walks into a room you can just feel her presence. It’s like none other, it’s almost like magic in a way. Lara, I cannot wait until we are in the same city again because I will 100% be booking out your diary with sessions, Thank you so so much.”



"When I first met Lara, I felt like I had an instant connection with her. I’ve been to several retreats and I have had some spiritual journeys of my own, but there was something about Lara and her experience and the way that she was able to lead me to this next level that I just simply can’t explain. I feel clear and connected and guided more than I ever have before. She has a way to lead you spiritually and to allow healing that you might not even know that you need to come out and to clear the way for whatever it is that is blocking you. The experience with Lara is completely mind blowing, and I feel forever changed and forever grateful. I cannot recommend her enough, I cannot say enough about her, this is truly a life changing experience, so from the bottom of my heart and for the next generation of individuals that I will be able to lead now because of you, Thank you.”



The podcast for the
unapologetic & embodied

The Podcast for those yearning to learn with open hearts and expanded minds. For those who desire to create a new way, anchored in infinite possibility & Love. We will be talking all things esoteric, cosmic & taboo… as well as all the very human stuff we all face, without a filter.


Link to a portfolio gallery or blogpost. A wonderful serenity has taken possession of my entire soul, like these sweet mornings of spring which I enjoy with my whole heart. I am alone, and feel the charm of existence in this spot, which was created for the bliss of souls like mine.


Link to a portfolio gallery or blogpost. A wonderful serenity has taken possession of my entire soul, like these sweet mornings of spring which I enjoy with my whole heart. I am alone, and feel the charm of existence in this spot, which was created for the bliss of souls like mine.



personal journey

In today’s fast-paced world, many women find themselves struggling to balance the demands of work, family, and personal growth. The pressure to conform to societal norms and expectations can often leave women feeling disconnected from their true selves and unable to fully express their authentic emotions and desires. This lack of authentic expression can have […]

spiritual practices

Healing the womb is a powerful and transformative journey that can have a profound impact on a woman’s sense of self-worth and her ability to choose loving partners. Our womb is not just a physical organ, but a sacred space that holds our emotions, traumas, and ancestral patterns. When we heal our womb, we are […]

lara raybone

As women, we are often taught to suppress our emotions, desires, and authentic selves in order to fit into societal norms and expectations. We are conditioned to believe that being vulnerable and expressing our true feelings is a sign of weakness, and that we should prioritize others’ needs above our own. However, this mindset can […]


for womBen

For the woman at the beginning of her self love journey... extraordinary & exquisite love starts with you, my love. This is a guide I put together to support you on starting to explore what it looks like to love yourself, and I mean really love yourself. This is just the beginning of a whirlwind romance with the greatest love you've ever known.

get in touch


thank you

I see dolphins jumping in and out of the ocean when I see you, I see conch shells. I also see depth & wisdom. You are a womb oracle. The magic that you bring the the womb space, I have chills running up and down my neck right now. You take the womb and make it into its own world, where we can just crawl up inside & rediscover who we really are and that no, i’ve not met anyone else who can do that and i’ve worked with womb healers. You glow and you’re an angel and I love you dearly."

"You take the womb and make it into its own world... i’ve not met anyone else who can do that! 

- Allison

I celebrate & honour the multidimensional Priestess that lives within you, the moment that I felt you, heard you speak and every Time you step into a space I feel the mother. I honour your choice to be on this path and to share these teachings with the world. And I mother fucking love your silliness too. You are just as beautiful inside as you are radiant outside, truly. Your soul shines. I love you, sweet one."

"You carry very deep feminine wisdom & codes, beyond what you realise & know. 

- Chelsey-Jo

When I think about you I feel so much fluidity, and water and flow and life force essence, just the purest feminine energy. Pure feminine juciness. Like in ancient Hindu philosophy there's the Universe, the ether, the energy, the feminine that IS, the paradox of Kali. Kali can be both crazy & destructive but Kali can also reincarnate as this loving, giving mother, and nurturing and this very giving lover as well and you ARE that. In our womb journey healing that we did together, I mean that’s been and will continue to be a big initiation for me, that I am still getting curious about and it came up in a conversation with a client the other day, that just this intuitive knowing that black holes are the wombs of the universe, and when I said that, i only know that intuitively because I entered my womb with you and that wouldn't have happened if i hadn't met you. Thank you.."


- Julianne

People can experience being in the womb again with you, but the healed womb, going back into that amniotic sac where I can be fluid & flow and know that i'm birthing into a place that's like so cosy and warm and exciting and it's like the removal of the distortions. You have this ability of rebirth through your medicine and your heart-womb connection is like this golden liquid light and it's just so incredible and to witness the way that you hold it is inspiring. And even witnessing you move through the waves it is still so fucking potent and knowing that you always return there, it's incredible. You are the embodiment of the calm in the centre of the storm. So thank you for helping me also remember. I’m grateful to be reunited and I love you."

"You are like the love fairy, the gushy, lovey, invitational, warm honey that just wants to be poured onto the self and immersed in it!

- Kelly

"It's taken me some time to give you a testimonial because I don’t even know how to verbalise, you know! And the thing that your essence is just like so pure & your level of beauty inside & out and your wisdom and I don’t know how to say this but you’re someone I would expect to completely trigger me but with  your purity, i’ve never felt that way about you at all. I’ve always just felt so loved and in equality with you even though you are just so magnificent. You hold every aspect of the feminine all at once, every phase, and I think that’s such a huge piece of your medicine. I love you, thank you."

"I’ve always just felt so loved and in equality with you even though you are just so magnificent.

- EmmaLee

Warm Words

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