It’s not a diet.
It’s not a skincare regime.
Not a workout schedule.
This 7 week programme is an embodied exploration, of the facets of the feminine, through the lens of sexuality.

It’s not that I’m feeling my outfit.
It’s not receiving male attention.
Not not receiving female celebration.
It’s that I have deepened my connection with my body, with my heart and with my soul.
I have welcomed in EVERY part of me.
I’ve stopped making myself wrong for feeling certain feelings and welcomed them with a huge hug, I have been unravelling all of the ways I was told as a woman, were required to be sexy.
And reconditioned what that looks like.
Reality is:
I’ve barely worn clothes this year.
My nails are natural.
My hair is wild.
I have reclaimed my body hair…
I’ve played with my conditioning and what “men want” and tried on for size, well, what do I want?
I had always had, Hollywood or Brazilian since the age of 15, repulsed by the grow-out phase, desperate to feel “clean & smooth” again.
Hair always cut and coloured…
Nails always painted & gelled.
Punishing my body with workouts & starvation.
Always trying to fit into the box I believed was deemed as “the normal”
Through rediscovering my sexuality in my Sex Love & Relationship Training with Layla Martin, and reconditioning through deeeep love & acceptance, at 30 I feel the best I’ve ever felt.
I’ve followed my body with what FEELS good.
I’ve slowed down.
Listened to my body.
I’ve played with my beliefs and tried on different aspects of my sexuality and my physical presentation and my perceptions of sexy.
The truth is, sexy is an inside job.
You can feel sexy, you can feel empowered, you can feel radiant and exude magnetism, no matter how you present yourself physically
It is in how you look after yourself your heart and your body, how you tend to your emotions & your inner world that brings confidence in sexual expression.
Knowing that it’s not in the extra 5lbs, or the perfect manicure or the smooth legs or waxed pussy, or the tightness of your abs or peachy bum… it’s so much deeper than that.
It’s much more unshakable than that.
A woman in love with herself is so radiant she can light up the room with simply the glint of worthiness in her eye.