Can you sit in stillness,
And allows the tears to flow?
Can you be in your body,
This 7 week programme is an embodied exploration, of the facets of the feminine, through the lens of sexuality.
And feel the breeze that blows?
Can you lean into darkness,
And allow yourself to fall?
Can you see through eyes of compassion,
And accept yourself for all?
Can you shine your heart so brightly,
That is calls your soul back home?
Can you trust yourself completely,
That you’ll never be alone?
Can you be here in this moment,
And never fade away?
Can you promise me forever,
To die another day?
Can you hold me so entirely,
That I never run from fear?
Can you love me so completely,
That yours are the only words I hear?
Can you be silly and play with me,
And be a source of joy?
Can you be wild and free,
And never believe the ploy?
That you are nothing short of a miracle,
stardust in disguise.
You hold the power of infinity.
You are powerful and deep and wise.
You are a vessel for divine love
please promise me you won’t ever forget,
The magic that lies within you,
To aide and to abet.
Your thoughts are your conditioning,
Your emotions just a gauge,
Of just how close or far you are,
From living in your cage.
A cage created by programmed belief,
That Do not serve your soul.
You came here with great purpose,
To fall back in love with yourself.
To see yourself so clearly,
And not judge or guilt or shame.
To live in this present moment,
And realise why you came.
To experience duality,
So that you could grow.
To find beauty in the contrast,
The find your north, come home.