Love is not something to have or to gain or to be destroyed or taken from you.
It is not yours to take.
This 7 week programme is an embodied exploration, of the facets of the feminine, through the lens of sexuality.
It is an energy that is always accessible, that flows through you and to you freely.
The question is, how many walls do you have built around your tender heart that are keeping you separate from love?
Love is not something outside of you, or separate from you, it is within you.
It is you.
The more we choose to see our separation from love the further from our grasps it feels.
It feels unattainable.
It is not something for you to obtain or earn.
It is something for you to embody.
For you to embody it, you have to invite it in.
Become one with it.
The illusion of separation is that everything is outside of us, where as the truth is that everything is within us.
When we start to shift into unity consciousness, into embodying live rather than striving for it, that is when our whole universe shifts.
Everything flows freely and easily.
Unity consciousness is embodying love in each given moment.
To embody love we must be present in each moment and see pleasure in everything.
Unifying our masculine presence and our feminine feeling. In every moment.
Coming home.
Coming back to ourselves, our true essence.
Our true essence is love.