Do you claim your deepest desires?
Do you dare to go there?
To peel back the layers of what you truly want?
To delve ever closer to your feminine energy?
This 7 week programme is an embodied exploration, of the facets of the feminine, through the lens of sexuality.

How do you really want to live?
How you are longing to feel?
Let me ask you this?
Do you allow your eyes, enamoured, to slowly trace the curves of your body as you gaze dreamily at your reflection?
Tenderly touch and caress your skin, feeling effervescent tingles to circulate your entire being?
Do you honour your NO?
Do you delight in your yes? With your full body?
Do you hold yourself in deep presence through every crashing wave of emotion that washes over you?
Do you bask and play with childlike awe and wonder at the simplest of moments? Getting lost in the magic of life?
If you want a deep primal presence from your masculine, is that embodied within you?
Can you be SO connected to the present moment that you can ride the waves of your most primal desires while remaining utterly present in your heart?
If we don’t learn to give ourselves the love we do deeply crave, to feel it in our hearts, our bodies, it will always be out of our hands.
And that, my love is to give our power away.
Do you trust your man to hold your heart, to take you deeper than you can take yourself because you know your depths already?
When you’ve explored the facets of your inner world, been willing to see all that you are and have become so intimate with them, that the gift of the mirror through another in relationship offers expansion and elation over enmeshment?
When we can commit and devote ourselves to loving ourselves so fully, so radically, so unapologetically…
Claiming it all.
Embodying it.
Committing to honouring our feminine energy and hearts with the fierceness and presence we would crave from another.
We open up to a whole new world of expansion.
But it all starts with you.
The power is yours to hold.
Are you willing to claim it?
To unapologetically love yourself the way you know you deserve to be loved.
The way you crave and long to be loved.
That is the beacon for a King.
But you’ve got to do it for yourself because you deserve the most divine love!