This Morning on waking,
my body whispered to me… ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?.
ꜱᴏ ᴄʟᴇᴀʀʟʏ.
This 7 week programme is an embodied exploration, of the facets of the feminine, through the lens of sexuality.

She is yearning for intimate touch,
Full body goosebumps…
Chocolate in the bath with candles…
Barefoot sensual movement in nature…
Tastebuds salivating at the thought of being tantalised
Slow drip, juicy movement…
To surrender to the waves of orgasmic bliss that come from simply being alive.
ꜱᴏ, ɪ ʟɪꜱᴛᴇɴ.
I devote myself to honour her desires.
?? ??? ???????, ?? ???
The surrender & devotion to pleasure, to the body,
To call in your inner King to serve your deepest feminine desires.
This is the living, moving prayer.
That pulse of your life beats through you.
Activating your cells, your mission, your purpose, your why.
Your creativity.
It is your ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?.
Your ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?.
It is your life force.
Devotion to your pleasure is the greatest gift you could give to yourself and this world.
Because a woman in her pleasure is a woman liberated.
Unbound, unshakable, unmatchable.
She is a permission slip to every other woman on this earth…
Her pleasure is contagious, it’s palpable.
It ripples out and touches the hearts of those who desire to be in their pleasure
Unlocking a remembrance of a time when our pleasure was paramount.
A remembrance of the ease and flow and deliciousness
Being in ????????.
Of living in ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?.
Pleasure is POWER.
Pleasure is MEDICINE.
Pleasure is MAGICK.
Pleasure is a PORTAL.
And guess what?
Your pleasure gets to be whatever the fuck you want it to be!!
It gets to be any flavour…
Any temperature…
Any consistency….
It is only through exploring what it is to us,
connecting & creating communication with our bodies
That we expand past our perceived limitations around our pleasure.
There is a reason that a woman in pleasure has been demonised for thousands of years…
It is because a woman in her pleasure,
Is powerful beyond measure.
It is a portal to emotional and energetic alchemy that forges gold within us…
Empowering us…
Liberating us…
Freeing us, from the belief that we came here to be limited…
To be small.
That we are too much…
That we are not enough.
It is what returns us to our sovereignty…
Our inner knowing, that we are stardust incarnate…
Infinitely expansive & profoundly powerful in being able to create the life we desire to live…
P l e a s u r e.