Healing & Transformation
divine feminine embodiment

Are You Willing to Be Seen?

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I see you, I hear you.
I feel you.

Are you willing to be seen? Fully?

Are you willing to be vulnerable? Not just a little bit, but all the way vulnerable?

This 7 week programme is an embodied exploration, of the facets of the feminine, through the lens of sexuality.

To meet me there?

I will stand with you. Hold you. So you feel safe to feel your fullness.

So that next time, you can take yourself there.

To meet yourself there… fully.

It is a practice.

Sometimes it’s scary as fuck to walk the unknown within, alone.

Sometimes you are so ready to face your fears head-on.

And sometimes, when we are on this healing journey alone it’s hard to see your blind spots.

It is hard to take yourself all the way there because your ego wants to keep you safe, it doesn’t want you to remember those parts of yourself that hurt, that are in pain, that hold incomprehensible rage.

My deepest explorations of my depths have come from being held in a safe space by someone else.

To be seen. Heard. Felt. Witnessed, as I dive into the inky depths of my emotions.

It is a practice. And one that is so much more rewarding when you can do it with others.

Because you start to learn, in every facet of your being, that you are safe to go there, to be seen in your darkest and lowest points.

You learn that you do not lose love for being in your fullest expression.

You learn to hold yourself in those moments so you can take the deep dives alone and know that you are safe in your own body, that you are safe in your own expression.

That you are loved, regardless of the emotions that pulse through you.

That you ARE love and your fullness is BEAUTIFUL.


December 24, 2021

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I see dolphins jumping in and out of the ocean when I see you, I see conch shells. I also see depth & wisdom. You are a womb oracle. The magic that you bring the the womb space, I have chills running up and down my neck right now. You take the womb and make it into its own world, where we can just crawl up inside & rediscover who we really are and that no, i’ve not met anyone else who can do that and i’ve worked with womb healers. You glow and you’re an angel and I love you dearly."

"You take the womb and make it into its own world... i’ve not met anyone else who can do that! 

- Allison

I celebrate & honour the multidimensional Priestess that lives within you, the moment that I felt you, heard you speak and every Time you step into a space I feel the mother. I honour your choice to be on this path and to share these teachings with the world. And I mother fucking love your silliness too. You are just as beautiful inside as you are radiant outside, truly. Your soul shines. I love you, sweet one."

"You carry very deep feminine wisdom & codes, beyond what you realise & know. 

- Chelsey-Jo

When I think about you I feel so much fluidity, and water and flow and life force essence, just the purest feminine energy. Pure feminine juciness. Like in ancient Hindu philosophy there's the Universe, the ether, the energy, the feminine that IS, the paradox of Kali. Kali can be both crazy & destructive but Kali can also reincarnate as this loving, giving mother, and nurturing and this very giving lover as well and you ARE that. In our womb journey healing that we did together, I mean that’s been and will continue to be a big initiation for me, that I am still getting curious about and it came up in a conversation with a client the other day, that just this intuitive knowing that black holes are the wombs of the universe, and when I said that, i only know that intuitively because I entered my womb with you and that wouldn't have happened if i hadn't met you. Thank you.."


- Julianne

People can experience being in the womb again with you, but the healed womb, going back into that amniotic sac where I can be fluid & flow and know that i'm birthing into a place that's like so cosy and warm and exciting and it's like the removal of the distortions. You have this ability of rebirth through your medicine and your heart-womb connection is like this golden liquid light and it's just so incredible and to witness the way that you hold it is inspiring. And even witnessing you move through the waves it is still so fucking potent and knowing that you always return there, it's incredible. You are the embodiment of the calm in the centre of the storm. So thank you for helping me also remember. I’m grateful to be reunited and I love you."

"You are like the love fairy, the gushy, lovey, invitational, warm honey that just wants to be poured onto the self and immersed in it!

- Kelly

"It's taken me some time to give you a testimonial because I don’t even know how to verbalise, you know! And the thing that your essence is just like so pure & your level of beauty inside & out and your wisdom and I don’t know how to say this but you’re someone I would expect to completely trigger me but with  your purity, i’ve never felt that way about you at all. I’ve always just felt so loved and in equality with you even though you are just so magnificent. You hold every aspect of the feminine all at once, every phase, and I think that’s such a huge piece of your medicine. I love you, thank you."

"I’ve always just felt so loved and in equality with you even though you are just so magnificent.

- EmmaLee

Warm Words

thank you

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